Product: TqcRunas
Date: 7/9/2003
Author: Quimeras
How do I install an MSI package using TqcRunas?
To install a msi package using TqcRunas you must specify %Windir%\System32\msiexec.exe as the command and /i YourUNCPath\ToYour\file.msi as the arguments. To unistall, repair, etc. msi packages use other argument modifiers such as /x /f etc.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 7/8/2003
Author: Buster Hampton
How do you suggest running a control panel application such as date/time in W2K using tqcrunas?
Specify %Windir%\System32\control.exe as the executable and %Windir%\system32\datetime.cpl as the argument.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 4/29/2003
Author: Quimeras
Can TqcRunas be used to start a program with admin rights in a remote computer?
Yes, you can start a program in a remote computer if the following conditions are met:
- Someone is logged on at the remote computer.
- Actually you must be in the administrators group of the remote computer.
Note, that it is not enough to enter admin credentials in the TqcRunas dialog, the user executing TqcRunas must actually be an admin of the remote computer (domain or local).
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 2/16/2003
Author: Quimeras
TqcRunas documentation says that strong encryption is used to protect the Build file. What algorithms are used?
TqcRunas only uses standar encryption services provided by the Microsoft Windows operating system, these services are known as the Microsoft CryptoApi, you can read about it at the MSDN or in the Microsoft Platform SDK. The exact algorithms used won't be disclosed here, only to say that RSA's algorithms are used.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 2/11/2003
Author: Quimeras
If we install TqcRunas on a network share to be used by our client computers and the maximum number of simultaneous access is 10. How many licenses do we need?
TqcRunas licensing is based on the number of different computers where it will ever run, regardless of where TqcRunas files are or the number of simultaneous access.
Thus, if you have 500 users that share 100 computers, TqcRunas is installed on a network share, and the maximum number of simultaneous access is 10, then you will need a license for every computer where TqcRunas will work: 100 licenses.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 2/10/2003 6:35:01 PM
Author: Quimeras
All of our workstations have a common local admin account with identical passwords. We would like to create ONE tqcrunas package to logon to this account on several workstations. Can this be done ?. How do I specify the local domain without using the local machine name?
Use the environment variable %COMPUTERNAME% as domain, thus ensuring the account will be validated against the local SAM. Also remeber to use the GUI interface of tqcRunas when building .tqc files that contain environment variables.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 12/15/2002
Author: Quimeras
How do I install TqcRunas?
TqcRunas does not need installation, simply copy the files to the folder of your choice (local or network) and run the executable TqcRunas.exe or TqcRunasCmd.exe.
For example, an administrator copies TqcRunas files to a share and then calls TqcRunas from the logon scripts.
An installation is needed only if you intend to use the TqcRunas ActiveX objects in VBScript or JavaScript files.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 12/15/2002
Author: Quimeras
I'm getting the error "The system cannot find the file specified", what's happening?
It is strongly recommended that all paths specified to TqcRunas are UNC paths. For example:
TqcRunas -f \\server\share\myfile.tqc
TqcRunas -profile -dd -user admin -pw password -e \\server\share\program.exe
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 12/15/2002
Author: Quimeras
Can I use environment variables in TqcRunas parameters?
Yes, you can pass environment variables to TqcRunas. This is useful when you want to create one unique encrypted file that encloses a local administrator account for all your computers:
TqcRunas -profile -d %computername% -user admin -pw password -e myprogram.exe
IMPORTANT! - Always use the GUI interface when building .tqc files, this ensures that environment variables are stored as variables that will be translated at execution time.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 12/15/2002
Author: Quimeras
I purchased TqcRunas and got the license file, what should I do with this file?
The license file contains encrypted the information required about your company and the number of licenses that you purchased.
In order to make this information available for TqcRunas you must copy the license file in the same directory where you placed TqcRunas files, more exactly the license file must be always in the same file where TqcRunas.dll was placed. Thus the expiration time and the limit on users are removed.
Product: TqcRunas
Date: 12/15/2002
Author: Quimeras
I copied the license file to the same folder where I put TqcRunas files but I still getting the "Evalution time expired" message. What is wrong?
This happens because you tested TqcRunas on your computer and addittional copies of TqcRunas files exist in your computer, remove the extra copies or copy the license file to that folders too in order to solve the problem.