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Thread: Special Characters in Password

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Date: 10/10/2003 11:42:13 PM Author: Rik W
Subject: Special Characters in PW
Our local admin uses a mod generator to generate a daily password. Which gives our passwords & and other symbols. The Tcqrunas runs fine when the password generated has no special characters in it. I use a vbs script to generate the cmd line to include quoatation marks around the password and it still fails.


Date: 10/15/2003 2:22:09 PM Author: Quimeras
Subject: Re: Special Characters in PW
Please, contact us directly and specify what special characters are you using in order to try to reproduce the problem and find a solution.


Date: 11/7/2003 11:00:50 AM Author: Jürgen
Subject: Re: Special Characters in PW
We solved this using double quotation marks. It works fine. Example: WshShell.Run "Server\Share\tqcrunas.exe -dd -user USERNAME -pw ""PASSWORDWITHSPECIALCHARACTERS"" -e " EXECUTABLE", 1, true When running Tqcrunas from the commandline u can use singel quotationmarks around the password. Good luck!


Date: 8/8/2005 3:53:38 PM Author: chr(34)
Subject: Re: Re: Special Characters in PW
in VBC you really should use chr(34) to represent quotations is: msgbox "Here is a quote: " & chr(34)



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