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Thread: ActiveX registration prior to run TQC file with non-administrator account

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Date: 1/28/2006 1:43:23 PM Author: hisa
Subject: ActiveX registration prior to run TQC file with non-administrator account
Hi, I'm going to distribute an software-upgrade-kit to our sales fleet using TQCRunas.exe which call "tqcrunas.document" object in a VBScript. - Client platform is WinXP SP1. I believe this require an ActiveX registration prior to be run the VBScript by general domain user with limited priviledge. Do I also need to write a batch which runs a TQC file which is to register the TQC-ActiveX-Object to the target computer [TqcRunas.exe - register] with its Administrator rights prior to run .TQC file from the VBScript on sales fleets computer? Here's the process image. Step 1. VBS call a batch which run "\\UNCPath\TqcRunas.exe \\UNCPath\TqcFile.tqc" and this first tqc file register the Tqc-ActiveX-Object on the Sales Fleet's XP using cmd.exe. Step 2. VBS decrares oTqcrunas variable and be set by created by CreateObject("TqcRunas.Document") then finally call oTqcRunas.ExecTqcFile("MySoftwareUpgradeKit.tqc"). Is this the best way to distribute TQC file to not-yet-ActiveX-registered clients? If any other, better or simple option, please let me hear your suggestion. Thanks a lot for your advice, in advance.



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