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Thread: Arguments not passed

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Date: 3/8/2005 7:02:42 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: Arguments not passed
I can't seem to get tqcrunas to pass arguments to my executable. I'm trying this simple command line: tqcrunas -user adminmjc -pw <mypass> -e cmd "/c echo." All I get is a command prompt like cmd.exe was executed with no arguments. It doesn't run the echo. and close like it is supposed to.


Date: 3/8/2005 7:06:34 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: Re: Arguments not passed
Sorry, didn't mistyped the command line. This is the command line I'm using that is not working. tqcrunas -user adminmjc -pw <mypass> -e c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -a "/c echo."


Date: 3/8/2005 8:18:38 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: SOLVED - Arguments not passed
You must precede any "/" in the arguments with a "\"<br> <br> Corrected Command Line:<br> <br> tqcrunas -user adminmjc -pw <mypass> -e c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -a "\/c echo."


Date: 3/8/2005 8:19:04 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: Re: SOLVED - Arguments not passed
tqcrunas -user adminmjc -pw <mypass> -e c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -a "\/c echo."


Date: 3/8/2005 8:20:16 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: SOLVED - Arguments not passed
Why doesn't this forum allow carriage returns?


Date: 3/8/2005 8:41:03 PM Author: Jeremy Carter
Subject: SOLVED - Arguments not passed
More info - It seems as though tqcrunas doesn't like "/" or "-" as the first character of the arguments. I haven't tested more than that but I would guess that it has a problem with any non-alphanumeric character (Quimeras Developers: You may want to fix that). If you precede the "/" or "-" with a space, it works fine.


Date: 11/30/2006 8:50:04 AM Author: Mrgames
Subject: Re: SOLVED - Arguments not passed
I'm still having this having this same problem.



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