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Thread: Verify Command Checksum Failed

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Date: 9/20/2004 7:54:31 PM Author: Chip
Subject: error in debug log
I'm using a local account on a machine with the %COMPUTERNAME%variable and that's working sometimes. I've wrapped the whole thing in an exe since it's a local account and that account won't have access to the network to get the .lic and script and have put everything in the temp folder. I'm getting an error in teh debug log that says verify command checksum failed. the script doesn't use and checksums so I'm confused why this is popping up. any ideas? thanks


Date: 9/20/2004 10:56:08 PM Author: Support
Subject: Re: error in debug log
Rebuild your .tqc file and ensure that all the checksum boxes in the security tab are unchecked. Then try again.


Date: 9/21/2004 2:03:22 PM Author: Chip
Subject: Tried that....
I tried that several times to no avail. It seems that anytime I copy or compress the tqc file is when it happens. the exe I'm building compresses the file internally to run so I'm betting that's the problem but I don't understand why it's failing when i have nothing selected on the security page.


Date: 12/14/2004 1:03:47 PM Author: Support
Subject: Re: Tried that....
Download again. The executable has been revised.



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