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Thread: Error "The system cannot find the specified path"

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Date: 6/20/2003 8:11:46 PM Author: Don
Subject: I'm trying to run a reg file using TqcRunas and i'm getting a path error.
Please help..... The doc's are very vague


Date: 6/24/2003 5:14:57 AM Author: NL
Subject: Re: I'm trying to run a reg file using TqcRunas and i'm getting a path error.
I noticed that if I remove the drive letter from the "Command" text box which states where the program.exe is located. Create the tqc file, then run the tqc it works. This error only occurs on XP.


Date: 6/24/2003 5:19:03 AM Author: NL
Subject: Re: Re: I'm trying to run a reg file using TqcRunas and i'm getting a path error.
If the tqc file is on the network use the \\xxx\share\program.exe instead of the mapped drive letter. It works as well.


Date: 9/24/2003 4:52:55 PM Author: Tony D
Subject: same problem on a Netware Server
I am recieving the same error on a netware server. The line is as follows: tqcrunascmd /f z:\fixit.bat. Z being a network drive mapping. I tried no drive letter an UNC but I get the same error. I would like to keep all the files in one location instead of copying them down the the PC and running it. This way if I have to make any changes I make it in one place.


Date: 10/15/2003 5:35:48 PM Author: Eric
Subject: Same problem on a Netware Server
Same problem here with mapped drive letter. Is there a way to set the working directory?


Date: 10/15/2003 7:19:24 PM Author: Quimeras
Subject: Re: Same problem on a Netware Server
Two important points: 1- TqcRunas cannot access files on novell shares, you should refer Windows shares when using TqcRunas. 2- Always specify UNC paths when referring files. Hope this helps.


Date: 11/12/2003 5:03:47 PM Author: Tony D
Subject: Re: Re: Same problem on a Netware Server
Will a future release enable the use of novell shares?


Date: 2/11/2004 9:18:42 PM Author: Roger T.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Same problem on a Netware Server
The previous product worked withour Netware shares. This product is useless to Novell shops if you don't configure it work for Netware servers...



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