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Thread: Delprof.exe and No Arguments Passed

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Date: 4/28/2004 5:39:18 PM Author: Timothy
Subject: No Arguments
I'm trying to put the Microsoft application "Delprof.exe" in the network login script. This program will delete inactive profiles on the computer. It can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&familyid=901A9B95-6063-4462-8150-360394E98E1E I created the command as: c:\tqcrunas.exe -dd -w -user Admin -pw password -e "c:\delprof.exe" -a "/q /r /i /d:14" It runs the program but none of the arguments are being passed to it. Particularly the "/q" which is supposed to supress any prompts. I've tried any different arguments but none are being passed to the program. I can run the program manually with the arguments and it works fine. Is there any debug options to see what is happening and why? I've tried using local and network accounts and no account at all. Thanks!


Date: 4/28/2004 6:19:03 PM Author: Timothy
Subject: Re: No Arguments
I tried the old version of TQCRunAs (v2.5) and it did not work either. That version does not have separate switches for command and arguments.


Date: 4/28/2004 7:33:06 PM Author: Timothy
Subject: Re: Re: No Arguments
Never mind... It wasn't even running in a regular batch file without TQCRunAs. Don't ask me why but it was having a problem with the difference between "DelProf.exe" and "delprof.exe". Changed it to "delprof.exe" and it worked fine.


Date: 5/21/2004 4:34:19 AM Author: jim
Subject: Re: No Arguments
I had no luck running it from login script or batch file but set it up in scheduler and it worked fine


Date: 5/21/2004 4:36:42 AM Author: jim
Subject: Re: No Arguments
I think also that the switches may need to be /Q not /q


Date: 9/3/2004 9:55:14 PM Author: Matt
Subject: Re: Re: No Arguments
Jim can you share an example of how your command looked that you put in task schuduler.



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