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Thread: "Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied."

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Date: 4/2/2004 11:59:14 PM Author: Bill
Subject: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied
I am trying to build an encrypted tqc runas file using the GUI from the 2002.2 version. I have the administrator pw and the correct executable path. I create the file but when I run it the program returns the access denied message. The pw has special characters, which I put inside double quotes or single quotes as mentioned in another thread, but it still does not work. The help file that is delivered with the program is useless trying to figure out the bug. Any clues out there?


Date: 4/26/2004 6:26:15 PM Author: Quimeras
Subject: Re: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied
Review all the paths you're entering, because at least one of them cannot be accessed by the current user or by the runas user.


Date: 6/22/2004 4:22:55 PM Author: Bill
Subject: Re: Re: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied
I have access to all of the paths as Administrator. Not a problem. Any other ideas?



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