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Thread: Error 1909

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Date: 3/31/2004 4:50:07 PM Author: Brian (Brian dot m dot smith at shaving dot com)
Subject: Error 1909 when using TQC Runas 2002.2 ActiveX Object
I have a WSH VBScript that uses TQCRunas to launch different jobs using different priviliges. Recently, I am getting a return error of 1909. Most other errors return an error description, but this error does not. Can anntone tell me what might be happening and how to correct it? Thanks, Brian


Date: 4/2/2004 11:09:49 AM Author: Quimeras
Subject: Re: Error 1909 when using TQC Runas 2002.2 ActiveX Object
1909 means that the account you're trying to use is locked and cannot be used.



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