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Thread: Running TqcRuns as a scheduled task

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Date: 2/27/2004 12:39:08 PM Author: Rene
Subject: Running TqcRunas as a scheduled task
I'm trying to use TqcRunas 2000.2 to install a security patch for Windows 2000 as an administrator. I have created a *.tqc encrypted file, and a batchfile that runs the TqcRunas-command. The command works fine when I start the batchfile manually. However; I would like to run the batchfile from a scheduled task job. This doesn't seem to work. After running the scheduled task, the batchfile starts but the TqcRunas command fails... Any ideas?


Date: 2/27/2004 4:26:16 PM Author: Quimeras
Subject: Re: Running TqcRunas as a scheduled task
Be sure you are specifying all paths as full paths and that the runas account has access to these paths and/or files.


Date: 3/1/2004 12:26:20 PM Author: Rene
Subject: Re: Re: Running TqcRunas as a scheduled task
Both the command-line as the working directory are specified in UNC. And I'm using a domain admin account. The scheduled task however, is run with a standard domain user account.



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