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Thread: All Pipe instances are busy

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Date: 1/19/2004 12:01:59 AM Author: K.Z
Subject: All Pipe Instances are busy
Has anyone else encountered this error ? I've created TQC file that calls an executable via a UNC path. i.e \\domname.com\netlogon\app\install.exe It works about 99.9% of the time but occasionally I get a popup with the Error message listed above. If anyone can provide any kind of help on how to resolve or troubleshoot this it would be appreciated.


Date: 2/11/2004 2:23:37 PM Author: Evan @ ADS
Subject: Re: All Pipe Instances are busy
We are receiving this error message after running tqcrunas in our login script. We've done it in the past and never had a problem. Not sure why it's happening now. Anyone?


Date: 2/25/2004 11:08:12 AM Author: Rollups
Subject: Re: Re: All Pipe Instances are busy
The number of running services is limited to 100 (excluding all shared services that run under the Services.exe process, such as Alerter, Browser, EventLog, LanmanServer, LanmanWorkstation, LMHOSTS, Messenger, Etc....). If you try to start an additional service, you receive: All pipe instances are busy.


Date: 2/27/2004 4:20:21 PM Author: PTruc
Subject: Re: Re: Re: All Pipe Instances are busy
TqcRunas talks to the MS runas service, this service accepts only one connection at a time. Ensure that your script is not calling multiple continuous tqcrunas commands in an aynchronously mode because in this case the runas service would reject some of them.



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